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Семья Домен

Источник Основная книга игрока
Божества Adanye, Andoletta, Arqueros, Arshea, Bergelmir, Bes, Bolka, Chohar, Daikitsu, Demon bringers, Dwarven pantheon, Erastil (old deadeye), Falayna, Fandarra, Findeladlara, Folgrit, Followers of Fate, Gendowyn, Grandmother spider, Grundinnar, Hathor, Hearth and harvest, Imbrex, Isis, Jaidi, Kazutal, Keepers of the hearth, Lamashtu (mother of monsters), Mazludeh, Nalinivati, Nivi rhombodazzle, Phi Deva, Ragdya, Rowdrosh, Sairazul, Shei, Shelyn (the eternal rose), Stag mother of the forest of stones, The offering plate, The prismatic ray, Thisamet, Torag (the forge father), Touch of the sun, Walkena, Wards of the pharaoh
Заклинание Домена Умиротворяющие слова; Продвинутое заклинание домена Единство
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